Friday, November 1, 2024
Kulhad Chai Franchise -Best Chai Franchise
Best Chai Cafe in Lucknow | Best Tea Franchise in Lucknow | Best Tea Near Me | Best Tea in Lucknow | Best Kulhad Chai in Lucknow | Best Kulhar Chai Franchise in India| Best Tea Franchise in India | Best Franchise Business | Best Kulhad Chai Franchise | Top 5 Franchise Business
Kulhar Chai Franchise in India| Best Tea Franchise in India | Best Franchise
Business | Best Kulhad Chai Franchise | Top 5 Franchise Business
Chai Franchise Outlet Jankipuram
Kulhad Chai is India’s Best Chai Franchise. These small clay cups, known as kulhads,
infuse the tea with an earthy aroma and unique flavor. We are India’s fastest
growing chai-chain that started in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh- India by young
couple of India. We envision blending Kulhad’s health benefits
with the most go-to-beverage “Desi Chai” in India. We have a mission to serve a
wishful cup of tea in every corner of the world
A Kullad or Kulhad is a traditional
clay cup, made like all earthenware, by firing in kiln. The earthen cup tends
to soak up a bit of the hot fluids poured into i. So, when you pour hot tea
into a Kullad or Kulhad, a bit of the tea soaks into the clay and the two
flavors intermingle and what creates the earthy flavour everyone.
Kullad Chai or Kulhad Chai Franchise brand
outlets are one of the very few leading chains that have it all! Right from the
refreshing morning chai-tea to the delightful desi food. We believe in
providing our customers a cozy, desi atmosphere to enjoy & hangout, while
sipping steamy hot kullad chai with desi food. We understand the taste &
uniqueness of every individual’s choices, hence Kullad serves a variety of tea & lassi along with
authentic desi Indian food & deserts. Started in Lucknow in 2021 and
growing now with over 20+ outlets across the nation.
Chai Franchise Outlet Interior Design
Kulhad Chai India is a Best Chai Franchise and popular and Fastest growing Kulhad
Chai-Chain, founded by Couple of India’s entrepreneurs Mrs. Shikha Mishra &
Mr. Indra Kr. Shukla. Kulhad Chai India has been creating memories and building
“The Bond of Love” between two Kulhad Chai lover. “The Bond of Love” is
symbolic alias name of Kulhad Chai India.
a. Flavor Enhancement: The use of
clay kulhads imparts an earthy aroma and enhances the flavor of the tea.
b. Sustainability: Kulhads are
eco-friendly and biodegradable.
c. Cultural Tradition: It represents
simplicity and sustainability, reminding people of the beauty in traditional
practices that are harmonious with nature.
d. Health Benefits: Chai made in a
traditional manner, using natural ingredients like tea leaves, spices, and
milk, can have potential health benefits.
- Business StarterKit.
• Material and Staffing Support.
• Predefined Menu.
• Regular research and development of new flavors of product
• Backup support for staff &material.
• Social Media Promotion.
• Online event & marriage event booking from the company website.
• Periodical visit by the trainers to check quality of tea prepared at the franchise outlet and any miscellaneous support related to business as mutually agreed in the written copy of the franchise agreement.
Embark on a Profitable Journey with
the Best Kulhad Chai Franchise in India.
Indulge your entrepreneurial
aspirations with the finest chai experience through our esteemed franchise
outlet. Our franchise presents an alluring prospect for driven entrepreneurs to
not only immerse in the world of chai but also reap substantial profits with a
remarkably low initial investment. Renowned as the Best Chai Franchise in the country, we are dedicated to
delivering excellence in every cup.
Unveiling the Unique Franchise Model
Operational excellence meets innovation under our ‘Franchise Owned Franchise
Operated’ (FOFO) model, setting us apart in the franchise landscape. This
approach is not just proven but exclusive, promising a distinctive and
successful route to franchising. As the Best Kulhad Chai Franchise in India, we
ensure that our partners embrace a business model that stands as a testament to
our commitment to quality and success.
Your Path to Prosperity With a
strong foundation as the Best Chai Franchise, we invite you to embark on a
journey of profitability and flavor. Discover the allure of traditional kulhad
chai while securing your investment within a dynamic and ever-growing market.
Chai Bhind Madhya Pradesh Outlet
1. High Profit Margin
2. Regular income source with high demand.
3. Multiple income sources like retail, Event, Online& catering etc.
4. Multiple flavors with quality and hygiene.
5. Business START-UP support
6. Ongoing support in respect of operational and business development.
7. ROI within 6 to 9 month*.
provide training to staff for 30–45 days complete guide on how to hire /
sources to hire / hiring conditions / trainer joining and accomdation procedure
• We also provide permanent staffing
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Embark on a Profitable Journey with
the Best Kulhad Chai Franchise in India Indulge your
entrepreneurial aspirations with the finest chai experience through our
esteemed franchise outlet. Our franchise presents an alluring prospect for
driven entrepreneurs to not only immerse in the world of chai but also reap
substantial profits with a remarkably low initial investment. Renowned as the Best Chai Franchise in the country, we are dedicated to
delivering excellence in every cup. Unveiling the Unique Franchise Model
Operational excellence meets innovation under our ‘Franchise Owned Franchise
Operated’ (FOFO) model, setting us apart in the franchise landscape. This
approach is not just proven but exclusive, promising a distinctive and
successful route to franchising. As the Best Kulhad Chai Franchise in India, we ensure that our
partners embrace a business model that stands as a testament to our commitment
to quality and success. Your Path to Prosperity With a strong foundation as the
Best Chai Franchise, we invite you to embark on a journey of profitability and
flavor. Discover the allure of traditional kulhad chai while securing your investment within a dynamic
and ever-growing market. Seize the Opportunity Visit our official website to
explore the unparalleled potential that awaits you. As the epitome of the Best Kulhad Chai Franchise in India, we invite you to join
hands with us and witness the fusion of tradition, innovation, and prosperity.
Kulhad Chai Franchise
Cost — 3,50,000.00 INR +18%GST.
Business Starter Kit with
Equipment — 2 Lac +GST
Brand Fees — 1.5 Lac+ GST
Note : No Renewal charge: After
5 Year this will be renew without any charges
Kulhad Chai India Offering Kiosk model franchise opportunity which is the best option for every
aspiring customer having big dreams to venture into business but are
constrained due to lack of capital can take a breath and relax as kiosk
franchising opportunity is in full swing. Kulhad Chai India Kiosks are an
excellent option for Tea, food and beverage enthusiasts to begin a business
with minimum investment and risk. Any budding entrepreneur, who is looking
forward to venturing into the franchise world but is constrained due to lack of
capital, can opt for kiosk model. Taking a franchised kiosk offers a lot more
benefits as in a low start-up cost, where you get a branded outlet with all
facilities of a retail outlet. Join Now with India's Best Tea Franchise.
Kulhad Chai Franchise
Cost — 3,00,000.00 INR +18% GST.
Business Starter Kit with
Equipment — 2,00,000.00 INR.
Brand Fees — 1,00,000 INR.
Note: No Renewel charge: After 5
Year this will be renew without any charges.
Chai Nuh Haryana Outlet
To Start Kulhad Chai Franchise Business?
We offers franchise opportunities
all over the India. If you are passionate about business or want to be an
entrepreneur with India’s Best Tea Franchise Kullad Chai or Kulhad Chai
Franchise ! fill the below mention franchise form and complete
the first step to towards your dream business
Franchise Application form:
Visit our Official website
and fill the application form for franchise or call to our Team 8299549405.
Complete Setup & Operations
Dedicated Franchise Support Team
Kitchen Equiment & Interior
Onsite Staff Training & Support
Kulhad Chai Brand Name & Logo
- Address: Sec-I In front of Best Mart Madiyaon
Road , Near Prabhat Chauraha, Jankipuram, Lucknow Uttar Pradesh Pin
Code -226021
- Phone: +91–8800879693
- Phone: +91–8299549405
- Email:
Best Chai Cafe Franchise in Ghaziabad | Best Tea Cafe in Ghaziabad | Best Fast-Food Cafe in Ghaziabad | Best Kulhad Chai in Ghaziabad
Best Chai Cafe Franchise in Ghaziabad | Best Tea Cafe in Ghaziabad | Best Fast-Food Cafe in Ghaziabad | Best Kulhad Chai in Ghaziabad

Shop Add: E-21 GDA Market, Patel Nagar-2 Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh 201001
अगर आप गाजियाबाद में रहते हैं और आपको कुल्हड़ वाली चाय पीने की तालाब है तो आ जाएं कुल्हड़ वाली चाय फ्रेंचाइजी कैफे पटेल नगर 2 दुकान ऐड: ई-21 जीडीए मार्केट, पटेल नगर-2 गाजियाबाद, उत्तर प्रदेश 201001. जहां पर आपको चाय के बहुत सारे मेनू और साथ ही फास्ट-फूड, शेक और पिज्जा भी है। यह कैफे पूरी तरह से सकारात्मक है और साथ ही पारिवारिक भी है।
कुल्हड़ चाय भारत की सबसे तेजी से बढ़ती फ्रेंचाइजी है। गाजियाबाद में पहली बार फ्रेंचाइजी को लाने वाले एंटरप्रेन्योर श्री पुनीत गौड़ जी का बहुत -बहुत धन्यवाद।
Health Benefits Of Kulhad Chai:
सर्दी के मौसम में मिट्टी के बने कुल्हड़ में चाय पीने का मजा ही कुछ और है. गांवों ही नहीं, अब शहरों में भी कुल्हड़ की चाय काफी पॉपुलर हो रही है. कई रेलवे स्टेशन और ग्रामीण घरों में मिलने वाले ये कुल्हड़ अब बड़े बड़े मॉलों और दुकानों की शान बनती जा रही है. जब मिट्टी के कुल्हड़ में चाय परोसी जाती है तो इसमें एक अलग सौंधापन लिए खुशबू होती है जो स्वाद को और भी बढ़ा देती है. लेकिन कई लोगों के मन में यह सवाल उठता है कि ये हमारी सेहत को कहीं नुकसान तो नहीं पहुंचा रहे. तो आपको बता दें कि कुल्हड़ में चाय पीना किसी भी तरह से नुकसान नहीं पहुंचा. जबकि ये हमारी सेहत को फायदा ही पहुंचाते हैं.
स्लर्प के मुताबिक, ये एक इको फ्रेंडी प्रोडक्ट है जो चाय पीने के बाद पेट में होने वाली एसिडिटी की समस्या तक को दूर रखने में मदद करता है. तो आइए जानते हैं कि कुल्हड़ में चाय पीने के अन्य क्या क्या फायदे होते हैं. कुल्हड़ में चाय पीने के फायदे संक्रमण से बचाव जब आप प्लास्टिक या कांच के गिलास में चाय की दुकान पर चाय पीते हैं तो ये अच्छी तरह से धुले नहीं होते और इन्हें अलग अलग लोग इस्तेमाल करते रहते हैं. जबकि कुल्हड़ का इस्तेमाल एक बार ही किया जाता है. इस तरह ये संक्रमण की समस्या को दूर रखता है.
Kulhad Chai is India’s Best Chai Franchise. These small clay cups, known as kulhads, infuse the tea with an earthy aroma and unique flavor. We are India’s fastest growing chai-chain that started in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh- India by young couple of India. We envision blending Kulhad’s health benefits with the most go-to-beverage “Desi Chai” in India. We have a mission to serve a wishful cup of tea in every corner of the world.

Kulhad Chai India is a Best Chai Franchise and popular and Fastest growing Kulhad Chai-Chain, founded by Couple of India’s entrepreneurs Mrs. Shikha Mishra & Mr. Indra Kr. Shukla. Kulhad Chai India has been creating memories and building “The Bond of Love” between two Kulhad Chai lover. “The Bond of Love” is symbolic alias name of Kulhad Chai India.
a. Flavor Enhancement: The use of clay kulhads imparts an earthy aroma and enhances the flavor of the tea.
b. Sustainability: Kulhads are eco-friendly and biodegradable.
c. Cultural Tradition: It represents simplicity and sustainability, reminding people of the beauty in traditional practices that are harmonious with nature.
d. Health Benefits: Chai made in a traditional manner, using natural ingredients like tea leaves, spices, and milk, can have potential health benefits.
Embark on a Profitable Journey with the Best Kulhad Chai Franchise in India Indulge your entrepreneurial aspirations with the finest chai experience through our esteemed franchise outlet. Our franchise presents an alluring prospect for driven entrepreneurs to not only immerse in the world of chai but also reap substantial profits with a remarkably low initial investment. Renowned as the Best Chai Franchise in the country, we are dedicated to delivering excellence in every cup. Unveiling the Unique Franchise Model Operational excellence meets innovation under our ‘Franchise Owned Franchise Operated’ (FOFO) model, setting us apart in the franchise landscape. This approach is not just proven but exclusive, promising a distinctive and successful route to franchising. As the Best Kulhad Chai Franchise in India, we ensure that our partners embrace a business model that stands as a testament to our commitment to quality and success. Your Path to Prosperity With a strong foundation as the Best Chai Franchise, we invite you to embark on a journey of profitability and flavor. Discover the allure of traditional kulhad chai while securing your investment within a dynamic and ever-growing market. Seize the Opportunity Visit our official website to explore the unparalleled potential that awaits you. As the epitome of the Best Kulhad Chai Franchise in India, we invite you to join hands with us and witness the fusion of tradition, innovation, and prosperity.

Kulhad Chai Franchise Cost — 3,50,000.00 INR +18%GST.
Business Starter Kit with Equipment — 2 Lac +GST
Brand Fees — 1.5 Lac+ GST
Note : No Renewal charge: After 5 Year this will be renew without any charges
Kulhad Chai India Offering Kiosk model franchise opportunity which is the best option for every aspiring customer having big dreams to venture into business but are constrained due to lack of capital can take a breath and relax as kiosk franchising opportunity is in full swing. Kulhad Chai India Kiosks are an excellent option for Tea, food and beverage enthusiasts to begin a business with minimum investment and risk. Any budding entrepreneur, who is looking forward to venturing into the franchise world but is constrained due to lack of capital, can opt for kiosk model. Taking a franchised kiosk offers a lot more benefits as in a low start-up cost, where you get a branded outlet with allfacilities of a retail outlet.
Kulhad Chai Franchise Cost — 3,00,000.00 INR +18% GST.
Business Starter Kit with Equipment — 2,00,000.00 INR.
Brand Fees — 1,00,000 INR.
Note: No Renewel charge: After 5 Year this will be renew without any charges.

- Address: Sec-I In front of Best Mart Madiyaon Road , Near Prabhat Chauraha, Jankipuram, Lucknow Uttar Pradesh Pin Code -226021
- Phone: +91–8800879693
- Phone: +91–8299549405
- Email:
Kulhad Chai Franchise -Best Chai Franchise
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KULHAD CHAI ABOUT KULHAD CHAI INDIA Kulhad Chai is India’s Best Chai Franchise . These small clay cups, known as kulhads, infuse the tea wi...
Best Tea Franchise in India | Best Tea Cafe in Bhind | Best Kulhad Chai Franchise in India | Best Chai Franchise | Best Kulhar Chai Franchis...
KULHAD CHAI FRANCHISE OUTLET GHAZIABAD (PATEL NAGAR) We’re on a mission to globalize our Kulhad Chai across the world and get people to tr...